"Nowhere to be seen"


MoodyMarine workshop 23 November 2023


Together with the innovation cluster OffshoreVast, we organize a 3 hour workshop on MoodyMarine the 23rd of November 09.00-12.00 in Gothenburg. The workshop contains three blocks: (i) introduction to marine hydrodynamics and mooring simulations; (ii) introduction to MoodyMarine; (iii) practical hands-on session.

Register here (in Swedish)

Release of MoodyCore-v3.0 and MoodyMarine-0.1-Beta


We are happy to announce the long overdue release of a new version of MoodyCore (previously named Moody), as well as the first beta release of MoodyMarine - the graphical user interface to MoodyCore. Compared to the prevoius version of MoodyCore the following updates have been made:

  • Floating wave-body interaction supported as hydroBodies using linear potential radiation-diffraction theory according to Cummins equation. Supports nonlinear Froude-Krylov forces and Nemoh v3 reader/writer.
  • Major improvements to the static-equilibrium solver, including nonlinear statics of hydrobodies. Still under development, but system statics are now tunable from the input file.
  • A native mesh-manipulation included supporting read/write from/to .stl, .gdf and .dat formats including panel splitting at the still water level.
  • A major renaming and reorganization of the input file has been implemented, applying a more stringent format and supporting nested objects. The format has been modified to support compatibility with MoodyMarine.
  • Introducing bending stiffness in the DG formulation according to Palm and Eskilsson (2020).
  • Linear translating mass included as a special type of rigid body, and components introduced to model linear spring/dampers according to Palm and Eskilsson (2021) (command-line only).
  • Post-processing module in Python provided (rudimentary).
  • Many stability improvements and error messages introduced.
  • Restructuring of the code base into Core and API repositories. The coupling to OpenFOAM is thus no longer shipped with the MoodyCore.
  • MoodyMarine presentations at EWTEC2023


    At the 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC2023) held in Bilbao, two presentations considering MoodyMarine and MoodyCore were presented. Johannes Palm gave a talk on Verification and validation of MoodyMarine - A free simulation tool for modelling moored MRE devices. In this talk Johannes outlined the design of the MoodyMarine solver, zooming in on the performance of the newly developed nonlinear Froude-Krylov feature. Claes Eskilsson gave a talk on A hybrid linear potential flow - machine learning model for enhanced prediction of WEC performance. In this talk Claes outlined how to exchange extisting approximations in linear potential flow modelling (e.g. Morison drag) by neural network approximations. Most of the talk was devoted to the construction of ''correction forces'' estimated from training data obtained from CFD simulations.

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